• Name of Event: Discover Your Science

Location: UNM Centennial Engineering Building, STAMM Room

Date: Saturday 08/19/2017

Time: 8:00 am -12:00 pm

Type: (Organized/Participation/Joint Event) ANS Participation

Event Size: ~100 people (Parents & Students)

Volunteers: Ira Strong, Jose Olvera and Jesus Valencia.

Activities: Supporting volunteer staff by setting up the event, coordinating parking area, redirecting people to the event place, and helping classrooms. We presented ANS SS to incoming students from the Engineering department.


Jose Olvera, volunteering for ANS @ DYS

Coordinating students in the classrooms

Ira Strong, volunteering for ANS @ DYS

Coordinating parking lot and entrance for guests.


  • Name of Event: ANS Solar Eclipse Observation

Location: UNM Mechanical Engineering Building, Patio

Date: Monday 08/21/2017

Time: 11:00 am -12:00 pm

Type: (Organized/Participation/Joint Event) ANS Organized

Event Size: ~50 people (Students & Staff)

Volunteers: Ira Strong, Melissa Moreno, Jose Olvera and Juan Dominguez.

Activities: On August 21, a solar eclipse will be cutting through the United States. For most of the country, including New Mexico, the eclipse will be partial. This means only part of the sun?s surface will be blocked by the moon and there will be no point during which it will be safe to look at the sun without proper eye protection. The only place where it will be safe to view the sun directly will be a relatively narrow path from Oregon to South Carolina, and then only for a little over two minutes while the sun is totally eclipsed. Come to ME Building Patio for a safe look at the partial eclipse through Safe Solar Glasses, weather permitting. About 73% of the sun will hidden by the moon as seen from Albuquerque during the eclipse?s midpoint at 11:45 a.m. MDT.


  • Name of Event: UNM Student Organization Day

Location: UNM Duck Pond

Date: Thursday 08/24/2017

Time: 6:00 am – 3:00 pm

Type: (Organized/Participation/Joint Event) ANS Participated

Event Size: ~1000 people (Students)

Volunteers: Ira Strong, Melissa Moreno, Ramda Galo, Matthew Gervasi, Joseph King and Corey Skinner.

Activities: Meet student leaders from around campus and learn how to get involved with the over 450 student organizations on campus.? Listen to great live music at the Duck Pond from 12 – 1 p.m. while ASUNM student government leaders serve free pizza and Pepsi. FREE MOVIE – CAPTAIN AMERICA: CIVIL WAR – SUB Theater at 3:30 pm.


  • Name of Event: UNM Counselor Day

Location: Student Union Building

Date: Friday 09/01/2017

Time: 12:00 pm – 2:00 pm

Type: (Organized/Participation/Joint Event) ANS Participated

Event Size: ~100 people (Students)

Volunteers: Melissa Moreno and Ramda Galo

Activities: Table in and give information to +200 Counselors about the UNM Engineering Programs, for high school counselors across the state.

  • Name of Event: Jonathan?s Birthday

Location: xxxx

Date: xxx xx/xx/2017

Time: xx:00 am – xx:00 pm

Type: Social NE Undergrads



Ira Strong, volunteering for ANS @ DYS

Coordinating parking lot and entrance for guests.