
Our student sections offers members educational seminars, professional development workshops, and other fun events. These events are carried out by our five committees. 

See What's New

The Social Activities Committee focuses Social Events such as game nights and movie nights, as well as Community Service. The Outreach Committees focuses on Public Information, University Service, and Industry Service through educational or Professional Development activities. The Fundraising Committee, Social Media Committee, and Board of Directors focus on supporting the section through Section Management.

Clean Air Initiative

Celebrate this Earth Month with the ANS Clean Air Initiative! Donate today to save the planet. As little as $1 can make a huge difference.
Choose how you wish to help the planet:
1. Plant a tree.
2. Remove trash from the oceans.
3. Prevent CO2 from entering the atmosphere.
4. Remove CO2 from the atmosphere.
5. Remove other greenhouse gasses from the atmosphere.
6. Promote clean energy.

Free Seminars and Webinars

Participate in free technical webinars and seminars about multiple topics of nuclear sciences, recruitment sessions, and professional development workshops.


Help the section fund outreach projects and social events by getting involved with food sales, purchasing merchendise, donating, and helping the section apply for grants and awards.

Fun Social Events

Grow your sense of community in our game nights, movie nights, networking dinners or lunches, conferences, parties, and fun fieldtrips.

Visit our Next Event

Follow us on social media or view our calendar to get the latest updates on our upcoming events!